hello internet
This blog has been published before the launch of the website. If you’re here for the launch, don’t worry! You didn’t miss anything! :)
Welcome to Razz’s Hobby Blog
Though this is hardly my first time taking a step into my digital footprint, I’d like to make an introductory post to give some further exposition about myself.
The Basics
Let's kick things off with the fundamentals. As of typing out these words, I am 18 years old and proudly embrace my genderfluid identity, welcoming the use of any pronouns. The worlds of fashion, illustration, and crafts hold a special place in my creative little heart, complemented by my everlasting passion for the furry fandom since childhood. Embracing my eccentricities, I've traversed the path of self-discovery, learning to cherish the distinctiveness that sets me apart.
The Aforementioned Hobbies
As for my interests, I’ll elaborate on the minimal info that’s bulleted on my About page.
Illustration has been my main passion since I was a kid, and though I’ve recently branched off into many, many other hobbies, it still remains my strongest skill and the one I’ll always come back to.
Junk Journaling is my most recent love. From My Little Pony journals to kid’s book journals, to vintage steampunk-themed Dungeons and Dragons journals, I love making them as long as I’m passionate about the topic. Something about tucking in the little details after you’ve bound the book together is so magical. 10/10, definitely my favorite part.
Costume making and sewing is another one of my passions, though I’m a bit stumped on it at the moment. Specifically, fursuit-making is my area of expertise. I’ve also made plushies and small blankets. I’m not the best sewer but I try my best!
Jewelry making sounds a lot fancier than it is in my case. Most of my jewelry making is done with pony/perler beads and elastic cording. I love making elaborate cuffs, though I’m definitely out of practice. I actually used to own an Etsy business specifically selling those little bracelets!
My Goals for A Hyena’s Hobby Blog
Crafting in general is super fun for me, and though I may not be the most knowledgeable, I hope the documentation of my projects proves helpful to someone who comes across them. I know some may think blogs are out of fashion, but I think it’s a great way to connect with people and share information with those who are really willing to listen. I’ve been contemplating creating a blog for a while now, I admire this platform for sharing information.
The opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences excites me, regardless of the number of readers I may attract. Ultimately, the sheer joy of self-expression is what drives me to embark on this blogging journey.